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Economic policy in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+8Posted:2017-11-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: public policyeconomic progresseconomic prosperityeconomicmicro-economicsmicroeconomicseconomicseconomic recoveryMeaning: n. a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues. 
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31. He's not going to do anything drastic about economic policy.
32. He was very influential in shaping the government's economic policy/strategy.
33. They are becoming increasingly strident in their criticism of government economic policy.
34. It is on economic policy that the government is most vulnerable.
35. The cracks in the government's economic policy are already beginning to show.
36. I have come to believe that the Government's economic policy is misguided.
37. He said the crux of the matter was economic policy.
38. Intense disagreement over economic policy risks fracturing the coalition government.
39. Our current economic policy has the makings of disaster.
40. His book includes a deprecating reference to Reagan's economic policy.
41. Nevertheless, the key decisions about resources for the social policy sector will be regarded as economic policy decisions.
42. The new government's attitude to foreign investment was also seen as an important indicator of future economic policy.
43. I am mindful of the old saw that economic policy is much too important to be left to the economists.
44. And economic policy now has clearer direction since Mihaly Kupa was appointed finance minister and made economics supremo.
45. The domination of economic policy by the Federal Reserve and other central banks is new.
46. It will be a while before the government's new economic policy takes effect.
47. Huang was employed at Lippo for nine years before he joined the Commerce Department as deputy assistant secretary for international economic policy.
48. Economic policy is subject to frequent minor shifts which represent something rather more fundamental.
49. Thus, in the key area of economic policy, despite an occasional victory,[] Carter achieved little.
50. There is not only a single currency but also a single economic policy, with only minor variations between states.
51. This particular view has become one of the central tenets of the present Conservative government's economic policy.
52. The speech was a devastating critique of Reagan's economic policy.
53. Judgemade economic policy seems an almost inevitable consequence of a balanced-budget amendment in our litigious society.
54. The field of economic policy is very wide and can not be reduced to budgetary policy.
55. There were strong arguments to persuade Labour leaders to lower their sights in terms of national economic policy.
56. On almost every area of social and economic policy,[ policy.html] Labour and Liberals were in agreement.
57. Monica Drinkwater's attack came during an emotional debate on economic policy at the party's conference in Brighton.
58. Gamble argues that the adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy.
59. What this means is that overall economic policy should be dictated by utilitarian considerations, aiming to improve the general welfare.
60. Many have argued that the economic policy put in place in 1981 was, from the beginning, ill-conceived and wrong headed.
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